pgExpress Driver 4.60

Steve Howe

All rights reserved. Built at: Mon Mar 18 21:32:31 2013

IMPORTANT!!!! - About this documentation
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. History
3. Features and Highlights
4. Distributions
5. Demos
2. Using the pgExpress Driver
1. Requirements
1.1. Libpq
2. Installation
2.1. dbExpress 4.0 (Delphi 2007+) support
3. Protocols
4. Types Mappping
5. Customizing the pgExpress Driver
5.1. Driver Parameters
5.2. Special Params
5.3. Custom Info
6. Advanced Features
6.1. Stored Procedures Support
6.2. Fetch Cursors
6.3. Authentication
6.4. Automatic numeric format detection
6.5. Native Int8 support
6.6. Retaining Cursors
6.7. BLOBs Support
6.8. SSL Support
6.9. NOTICEs support
6.10. Asynchrounous connections
6.11. Canceling a query
3. Localization
1. Multibyte, UNICODE and Locales
2. Multilanguage Driver
3. Translating the pgExpress Driver
4. PGEDriverUtils.pas
5. Ordering and Licensing
1. Ordering
2. Restrictions of the Demo driver
3. License Agreement
3.1. Demo Version Restrictions
3.2. Disclaimer
6. Notes
1. Known Issues
2. Notes
3. Development tips
4. Version-specific Notes
7. About the pgExpress Driver
1. Credits
2. Contact, Support, Bugs
A. FAQ and Changelog
1. F.A.Q.
2. Changelog